About Spruce

Located in West Seattle, Spruce Apothecary is a skincare studio and retail space that focuses on clean and effective beauty products, holistic wellness, and sustainable lifestyle goods. Each product we carry is mindfully made, carefully selected, and —most important of all— non-toxic. We also focus on supporting small makers who prioritize protecting the environment and creating sustainable goods. Spruce was founded by two experienced and passionate holistic estheticians, Jenn + Tiann, who came together to share their deep knowledge, and create an inclusive, welcoming, and healing space for all.

It can be difficult and time-consuming to weed through all of the information (and misinformation) out there about clean skincare and sustainable products. This is why we created #SPRUCEAPPROVED: so you know exactly why we chose to carry each brand and product, and so the hard work of searching for responsible, ethical skincare and lifestyle goods is already done for you. We want you to feel good about what you put on your skin, what you surround yourself with, and how you spend your money, and we hope #SPRUCEAPPROVED can point you in that direction.

Look for #SPRUCEAPPROVED on our product pages, as well as our social media.